Sunshine Award – Part Deux

Thank you so much Persia Karema for nominating me for my second Sunshine Award.  The way you are unraveling and retelling your story takes much courage, and I applaud you.  I hope everyone reading this will take the time to stop by her blog and show her support.

Rules for accepting the Sunshine Award:

1.  Thank the person who nominated you and link back to their blog.

2.  List 10 facts about you.

3.  Nominate 10 other blogs for this award.

4.  Announce the nominations to the nominees.

10 Facts About Me:

1.  I love to bake – my newest endeavor…cake pops.

2.  When I was a child I wanted to be a teacher – always playing “pretend school” with my younger sister.

3.  When I was a teenager I wanted to be a child psychologist – the amount of time I’d have to be in school scared me out of it.

4.  As an adult the closest I got to teaching was being a Girl Scout Leader and the closest I came to being a psychologist was analyzing my friends and giving free advice.

5.  I always wanted to learn how to play the electric guitar – thanks to Prince and his Purple Rain album.

6.  I grew up in the 1970’s listening to a diverse range of music – thanks to my father – my favorite being mostly Motown.

7.  My favorite movie is Gone With The Wind.

8.  Pizza is my drug of choice and my ass can back me up on that.

9.  My favorite flavor of ice cream is chocolate with pistachio being a close second.

10.  I love tattoos.

My 10 Nominees are:

1.  Pagan Girl Poetry

2.  Passion Living Out Loud

3.  Becky Says Things

4.  It’s Not My Fault

5.  The Running Thriver

6.  Tell Me About It

7.  The Chronicles of Navi

8.  Fish of Gold

9.  Busy Mind Thinking

10.  Life With A Voice

If I have nominated you and you do not accept awards on your blog, please forgive my oversight.  Just know that I only felt the need to nominate you all because I admire your writing.  For one reason or another, it’s you I remember, your blog I check in on, and this is my way of letting you know how special you are to me and all of your followers.  Bravo!

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