A Bit Challenging

My mood has been somewhat -wishy washy- this past week.  I thought about taking a break from all social media, blogging, etc. Basically… people in general. I’ve been feeling an overwhelming need to withdraw. Not really sure why. I even passed up Ronovan’s Haiku Challenge last week.  Thought about doing the same again this week.  Then I just sat here.  Figured, let me just suck it up and write a haiku.  What’s the big deal?  Of course, me being me, I need to check the words from last week and see how to incorporate them with this week’s prompt words and still come up with something that has a personal meaning to where my mind is presently at.

Ronovan Writes Weekly Haiku Prompt Challenge #67 Prompt Words: Cheer & Call and Challenge #68 Prompt Words: Muse & Pen.  No problemo.  Right?  Write.

I’m never good with titles, and giving this haiku one proved to be a little difficult.  My reason for giving it this title is mostly because of what the haiku itself is saying.  It’s not always an easy task to think about one’s past and still move forward optimistically and confident.  Sometimes it can be …

A Bit Challenging
Reflect on dried ink,
As optimism guides you,
With renewed command.

Decided to use synonyms this week:
cheer – optimism
call – command
muse – reflect
pen – ink

My take on opposing themes:
Reflecting (on the past) & Renewed (looking to the future)

Hope you guys enjoyed.

10 thoughts on “A Bit Challenging

    • ❤ Is it normal that I feel guilty not participating. I knew two weeks would send you into a frenzy. I'm fine. Love you for being concerned. You can always check on me via Twitter. I'll still check tweet and/or retweet even when I'm not in the mood for people. XO


  1. Pingback: RonovanWrites 68th #Weekly #Haiku #Poetry Challenge Review | ronovanwrites

  2. Pingback: RonovanWrites 69th #Weekly #Haiku #Poetry Challenge Review | ronovanwrites

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