Thank You!

The decision to start blogging was purely with selfish intent. Selfish in the way that maybe, just maybe if I put these words down on “paper” somehow they will start to help me heal from within. Somehow they will be the catalyst to start my preparation for ultimate removal out if my current situation. Yeah, maybe someone will happen upon what I have written. Maybe someone will follow me. After all, I knew nothing about blogging and I am still learning. What I ended up finding out is that this forum has started a much needed surge of perspective. Not once in my decision to start telling MY story did I ever imagine I would be reading so many of YOUR stories. I’ve read things in the past three weeks that have brought tears to my eyes, tugged at my heart, pierced my soul and opened my mind. I have come to understand so much more about myself and about others in reading your words. So, I feel I need to say thank you.

Thank you to those of you who have read what I have written. Thank you to those who have offered kind words. Healing words. Non-judgmental words. Thank you to those of you who have said I am not alone, who have related parts of your story to mine and who have me in their thoughts. Thank you for asking why I stayed, encouraging my impending departure and have simply said…be safe. I take none of our interactions lightly. My mind has been completely blown by you all. Those who have triumphed in their own battle and those who are still in the trenches. I admire you all.

To the others who I have crossed paths with (most likely due to your poetry, which is an underlying passion of mine), your words obviously resonated with me in some way or I would not have liked or followed. I do not do that haphazardly. I mean what I say and I say what I mean and my actions tend to run along the same lines. Whatever I have read, liked and followed is because it hit home in some way.

So once again, thank you for opening your heart and your mind. You are all amazing.


12 thoughts on “Thank You!

  1. Um, Marie, I think we owe you the thanks for the immense courage it took to share yourself with others in the hope that someone, anyone could a) care, and b) sympathize or empathize, depending on life experiences. I think the most valuable gift of life is connection with others who take time to develop friendships because they have genuine interest in each other. Friendship is what helps us make it through. And as for humor, as we both love, it is what keeps us from hanging ou


  2. O.K, speaking of humor, I never know which button to push or avoid, thus end up sending half replies. It should have ended “keeps us from hanging ourselves”. Peace, safety, all the best to you. See you around. Bob


    • Bob, you already know I appreciate all of your comments. You know, I never really thought of this journey being courageous. Just needed to get the venom out of my mind before if killed me. The fact that anyone has read my words and has connected to them or to me is beyond amazing. It’s been so rewarding thus far.and I look forward to sharing my exodus when the time comes.


      • Well, there is not much I can add to that as you know how I am steadfastly on your side. There is a lot of healing in being able to get our stuff out there, and more so when we find someone is listening and cares. This whole phenomena of virtual friendship is a curious thing. Though we are in reality strangers, there is something interesting and cathartic in being able to say things to someone a million miles away that we can’t say to the person next door. I suppose the certain degree of anyonymity we have is like being in a confessinal booth (in religious terms). I mean, why would I put stuff on a blog about what i feel deep inside that i know my immediate acquaintances would either crucify me for or certify me insane? I can’t put my finger on it, but i won’t look a gift horse in the mouth, and will accept and cherish friendship that is honest wherever it is found. So again, thank you for yours – it gives me a great deal of comfort for my own sake, and makes me feel of some value in this world to know that it helps someone like you. I will talk with you soon. Until then, stay safe and rejoice in who you truly are. Bob


  3. I have to say thank you to you because I have thorughly enjoyed reading your blogs. The courage and strength that you have exhibited through your messages are truly inspiring to me and so many others I’m sure. Having been there and gotten out, your blogs help me with my healing knowing i made the right decision at the right time – FOR ME. My concern is for your safety and well-being for you and your children. I hope and pray that you can leave when it is good for you and your children. Know that I keep you in my prayers for peace, safety, strength, and courage. Rebecca


    • Thank you so much Rebecca. I’m glad to hear my words are inspiring for you. And I hope so for others. I didn’t imagine that would be a side effect of telling my story. I just needed to say the words out loud, ya know. Even if no one read any of it there is just this amazing release from getting it out. This has really become such a rewarding experience. I feel like in starting this blog I’ve actually started on the road to my exit. I appreciate you taking time to read my story.


  4. Thank you for following my blog and liking my posts. I am also following your blog as well now. We have all been in a very similar position. I personally have been through this four times and finally learned my lesson. When you are ready to make the leap, I will be glad to provide any insight I can, day or night. I know you are an adult, but everything you do on a computer can be monitored. For safety, it is important to remember to clear your cache and history after each time you blog. If you need help on keeping your activities private I will be glad to help.
    Here is a link with some information to get you started. Stay strong, stay safe.


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