Tag Archive | peace

Strawberries and Flowers

Special thanks to Ronovan, who after being sick and having not such a great week, still fulfilled his blogations and posted this week’s Haiku Challenge right on time. And I, for one, am glad he did.  You don’t have to be into writing poetry to be into his blog.  He’s got a lot more going on than haiku.  Definitely check it out.

Although new prompts are posted every Monday, I usually take a day or two or seven and let the words marinate before I commit to my haiku.  This week’s words seemed to have so much flavor that I was able to get out two, haiku.

My entry for this week’s

RonovanWrites Weekly #Haiku
#Poetry Prompt Challenge #36

Prompts: Field & Beacon

Haiku #1
Her beacon of hope,
Contemplating the next move,
Waits in flower fields.

Haiku #2
I can hear John sing,
Strawberry Fields, forever
a beacon of peace.


Read more Haiku challenge entries here.

Domestic Violence victim regrets registering to vote after address posted on web

Something to Think About

On this Election Day, while preparing to go flex my suffrage muscles, a right that was finally institutionalized after years of protest by women who refused to take no for an answer, I came across this article. It reminded me that although the 19th Amendment grants all American women the right to vote, there are so many other rights we are not guaranteed. The right to privacy being one.

With my brain working overtime in how to stay off the grid once I leave, I’m grateful that I came across this article.  It goes to show you can never be 100% sure your information is not floating around out there, most especially in this digital era.

For Domestic Violence survivors who are already living a peaceful and serene life, and for those to follow in your footsteps, being hyper-vigilant about your safety is never off the table.

What A Difference A Year Makes

This particular post has been a long time in the making.  Today marks one year since I sat down at the computer and decided…what the hell.  At the time I figured, who’s going to read this anyway?  No one wants to know about someone who is in an abusive marriage.  I’ll write a few posts and then forget all about it.  How do you even blog?

That pretty much sums up everything I was thinking at the time – and as I started to write my very first post…the beginning of my story…that would eventually lead down the road of becoming a battered wife…I thought…please do not let anyone see this.  I don’t really want anyone to know.  I don’t want to be questioned about this.  Just let me write this and get it off my chest and that’ll be that.

Instead, so much more happened.  Yeah, people read – and yeah, they commented.  They asked – I answered.  We talked – I learned.  More importantly – people shared.  Women AND men….shared their personal stories of abuse.  With me.  On the blog and behind the scenes.  I don’t think I’ve ever felt so embraced as I did the first time someone said…“You’re telling my story.”…“He sounds like my ex.”…“I’ve been where you are.”

It was then that I realized….I’m not alone.

Of course, we all know someone in a “rough” marriage.  Whether they’re vocal about it or we just assume.  It’s not necessarily physical abuse.  It can be verbal, psychological, financial…there are so many subcategories that people are completely unaware of.  I’m not going to use this post to start spewing facts and figures – just one.

1 in 4 women will experience domestic violence in her lifetime.


We know the math.

That means when you see a group women – count – 1, 2, 3, 4.  Stop.

One of them HAS been, WILL be or IS now getting beat.

Plain and simple.

Before I decided to blog, I had no idea.  I never even thought about it.  My father hit my mother but it was barely anything.  Growing up, one of my neighbors hit their wife.  I remember seeing her, a beautiful woman, with a black eye.  The mother of one of my childhood friends got beat, all the kids too.  That was the one family every one knew that stuff was going down when the door closed.  I was only a kid but I doubt anyone ever said anything to her, or to my mother or my neighbor.  None of these ladies left….well, actually, they all did but that was decades later.  Back then, families stayed together.  People minded their business.  And “What goes on in our home, stays in our home.”  That was the code.

I’m not exactly sure what the worst part of all of this was.  That is seemed to be a normal occurrence or that no one ever said anything about it.  It just was what it was.  Normal.

Fast forward to me at 18.  We know that story but back then NO ONE KNEW.  No matter how loud he was or how many people passing by heard…that was my secret.  A few years later, a good friend of mine tells me her husband hit her.  She has a similar personality to me so I’m like…yeah AND?  Did you call the cops?  Did you leave?  Sometimes – not every time – but sometimes the answers out of her mouth were YES.  She called the cops, she packed up and left, took her son, went to her mother’s, got a court order – and then – went back!  The next time we went through the cycle again.  One day, she threw an ashtray at him.  Called the cops…again.  The cops came and told her if they were going to arrest him then they’d have to arrest her.  She…like me…is nuts.  And she is screaming…arrest me then! If you don’t I’m gonna hit him with something bigger and then you’re really gonna have to come get me.  The cops got back in the car and left.  And…they stayed together.  For many more years.  Her husband had a cycle.  He’d get depressed around Halloween and this nonsense ensued and continued through January.  Then they’d make up for their anniversary – ironically – on Valentine’s Day.  They did love each other though.  I think so, deep down.  But she too…finally left for good.

The common thread with all of the above – myself included – there is always an excuse.  A reason it happened and a reason why we stayed.

Speaking of which, for those of you who don’t know – last week Twitter pretty much was taken over by the hashtag… #WhyIStayed.  This was in direct response to the Baltimore Ravens Running Back “Ray Rice Incident”.  Author, Beverly Gooden, is the women who started this movement, solely because seeing the Ray Rice Video triggered her own experience with domestic violence and she felt the need to speak up.  I have some definite opinions about this incident but that’s not was this post is about.

Over this past year, things have changed.  It has nothing to do with my leaving.  That is still and always has been my main and ultimate goal that has not and never will waver.  What’s changed is my resolve.  It’s not enough for me anymore to just get out.  For several months now I’ve been thinking about my role in all of this once I do go.  I’m not a shy, stand in the corner kind of gal and by nature I’ve got a big mouth and always have something to say.  The phrase – things happen for a reason – has always resonated with me.  Maybe because no matter what goes on, good or bad, the only thing you can say to truly make sense of it all is just that.

When I started this blog, it was right off the heels of a trip my Ex and I took (The Flip Side) to visit our friend R.  And it was the first time since I was 16 that we were able to be…us.  The pair.  Calm, comfortable, caring and most importantly being out in public without worry.  That was so overwhelming for me.  Within a week of being home there was something within telling me the only way to truly move forward was to let go of everything I had been holding in.  I needed to purge.  To say the things I had never said.  And so at the time, the trip, the people I was surrounded by, even the state I was visiting, was without a doubt the catalyst to me starting this blog.  And with every person I came in contact with (virtually), it was easy to see that – everything happens for a reason.

Case in point… #WhyIStayed.  As I joined in with the rest of the twitterverse and gave a few of my reasons…I came upon so many other women and young girls who were me.  A few of them posted that they stayed because of the shame they felt about being a victim.  All I could do was post a reply to tell them I knew how they felt and that the shame was not theirs.  Something I only recently learned myself, but because they were so much younger maybe I could help them make that realization that much sooner.  So I shared with them my post Shame On You in the hopes it could possibly do something for them.

Instead, two young ladies did something for me…

In speaking shortly with Mandy, 3 years out of her abusive relationship and suffering with symptoms of PTSD, she says to me:  “Thank you for sharing your story…others like you help inspire me to stay strong.”

In another conversation, Brittanie, who was trying to find the strength to finally tell her father about the abusive relationship she just got out of, says: “You’re giving me support and helping me…to stay strong.”

Does being in an abusive relationship automatically make you more compassionate to others who have been in the same place?  How on earth can these girls be thanking me and saying I am helping them?  That can’t be possible.  Their words truly touched me.  Not any more or any less than others who have posted similar comments on my blog.  It was only different because I could see their beautiful faces on twitter.  I could see their youthfulness and it made me feel overwhelmed that these young girls may have been involved in these abusive relationships, but – they got out.  They. Got. Out.

There were multitudes of #WhyIStayed posts and two that just jumped out at me was one from Kat who said “Because after being stuck in an abusive relationship for a while I started to believe I deserved all of it.”   I thought, my God…I was so there.  In the very beginning, with the abuse at its very worse, I thought for sure I deserved it.

However, the one that really caught me was from a girl names Katie.  Very simply put “Because every time was the last time.”  This is it. Whether this is what they’re telling us after they hit us or if it’s what we’re telling ourselves – we’ve all believed this at one point or another.

By the end of the first two days of a tweeting and retweeting frenzy, it was quite clear that again – everything happens for a reason.  It’s taking so much strength to not blurt my story out to pretty much everyone (which would be fine and dandy it I was already out) but I need to keep it contained to those select few that know me in the real world.  I’ll tell you though, the more of these posts I read, the more I could feel this anonymous name tag rattling within my rib cage.  It’s so hard for me not to get up and say something.  I’m not one to hold my tongue.  In fact, I’m usually the first one to speak my mind.  Loudly.  I’ll wait my turn though.  I’m so looking forward to being on the other side.  Domestic violence is going to regret meeting me.

Thanks to all of you that have read, commented, offered counseling and a good laugh.

I’m in my therapeutic poetry phase as of late, so I couldn’t help but throw this little ditty together …

I am a daughter, a sister, a mother and a wife.
I am trying to stay sane while getting through life.
I am the scales of justice and the year of the dog.
I am so much more beyond my story and blog.

( I hope all of this made sense. I’m in desperate need of sleep.)


To read from the beginning… my story starts here.

Purposeful Poetry

My intent was to write. To take “pen to paper” and finally be honest. To say it all and let go of everything.  Never expecting the whirlwind of emotional baggage I would truly be dumping out.  After letting go of so much you’d think that’s it.  All that has led me to today is out.  I’ve purged.  So I’m good, right?

It doesn’t seem to be that easy.  Just in the same way you clean out your attic or your basement, ridding it of all the junk you’ve accumulated over the years, standing back and seeing it clean and empty…you sigh…finally.  Then you get close up into the corners and crevices and you see all the residual dust, dirt and spider webs that are still there.

Then you realize…you’re not done.  And so I’ve realized – I’m not done.  This is where the writing from a different viewpoint came into play.  I figured I must have some dusty corners in my mind that need to be wiped clean.  Coming from that same place, since poetry has always been a healing outlet for me, I decided to finally participate in some of the Haiku Challenges I was noticing on Twitter.  If I was going to do it though, I wanted to do it as part of my healing process and not just for the fun of it.

What I didn’t realize was how much it was going to take to dig down and write a measly Haiku.  I mean, three sentences written in 5/7/5 syllable format. How easy this would be, right?  Not really.  I don’t write anything (whether posting it or not) that isn’t something meaningful to me.  I just can’t do it – from an emotional standpoint.  If I don’t feel it, I literally can’t write it – AKA – the zone.  Participating in these poetry sessions (if you will) is, for me, another form of therapy.  And, it keeps me writing.

If you’re interested in reading some of my work, please click on my Healing Haiku and Micropoetry pages to see what I’ve been up to.


To read from the beginning… my story starts here.

18 Days

Ugh…18 days!!  I can’t believe I have gone so long without a post.  Believe me, this was never intended.  Most especially because I know when writing about this topic going MIA sends people into a frenzy.  I myself have gone into a panic checking on people I hadn’t heard from in a while so I know how it goes.  If I had any of you concerned, my apologies.

Quite a few things have gone on since my last post (nope, still here) and it all has had my head in a tailspin.  My mind was on overload and I could barely form a thought let alone post something semi comprehensible.  Last I left off was midway through my Sweet Heart Series, which I fully intended to carry on until Valentine’s Day.  However, I had weekend plans that took me out of state.  A surprise party.

I had known about the possibility of this party since September – on my last weekend visit to my dear friend – let’s give him a name already or at least an initial – R.  There ya go.  So R is basically my consigliere, my guru, my confidant…my virtual bestie if you will.  Being as he works 99% of the time and most conversations are via text.  But when I have a problem, he’s there.  This is my friend who I have mentioned throughout this blog.  At first, the only one who knew of said blog.

Anyway, his wife mentioned throwing him a surprise party when my ex and I had gone there in September.  I knew it would be highly unlikely that I would be able to make another trip out of state “alone”.  Usually, if I go visit family I will take one of my kids with me and there is never an issue.  When the mention of the party came around again I knew I had to be there.  So, I came up with a story and a travel companion and although there was some huffing and puffing, luckily there was no issue on me actually going.  I was able to get out and go be part of my friend’s surprise.

As luck would have it, I knew someone who was going to the same party.  Someone who just happened to need a ride.  Someone who was looking forward to spending the weekend with me.  Yeah, my ex.

Since our last visit (The Flip Side), we had spoke of the possibility of a follow-up trip.  We were both so relaxed the last time.  It was a really good visit.  This time we were a little concerned about extra people that might be there.  I gave him the option that if he was at all uneasy about being there “together” and others seeing and knowing then I would not go.  He is like a brother to our friend and his presence trumped mine and I would have gladly forfeited if it meant our stay would be less than perfect.

It ended up that the other couple we knew going we both trust.  The husband being someone my ex grew up with and someone I have known nearly since birth.  I had worked with his wife in the past and so I was fine with being there with the two of them, both of us were.  So we went.  Our friend was so shocked and surprised, not only at his party but that we came back — together.

Another perfect two days…relaxed, peaceful, content…just as it should have been all these years.  Which did come up a couple of times.  This was how our lives would have been if we had stayed together from the start.  Comfortable and natural…and a lot of smiling.  Makes me believe that happiness is definitely a possibility in the future.

Of course, coming home is always the let down.  Dropping him off makes me sad.  Walking in my front door…depressing.  The week following was pretty much me spiraling into sadness and depression because of feeling so at peace with my ex yet still living this reality.  Rethinking all of the little things that were said and done while we were away.  There were moments when I contemplated not coming home at all.

I’ve made quick decisions like that in my youth.  Got mad at my parents and stayed out all night….or at least until they made enough calls to find me and come drag me out of wherever I was.  As much as my heart wants to do the same thing now, I know I have to play this out smart.  I have to plan and be prepared in order to get out in one piece and stay that way.  The more I keep things calm here the more I think I can plant seeds – unknowingly – in preparation.  If I use my head and play it smart I think in the end there will be less of a roar and more of a whimper.  We’ll see.

Time always flies when you’re not counting the days but when you’re watching the clock…how slow it goes.



To read from the beginning… my story starts here.


Just Thinking

One of the little whimsical WordPress perks is that we are shown what countries people are reading our blog in.  That is such a cool thing to see.  I’m coming up on 40 countries now and once in a while I say to myself….where the heck is that??  🙂   Along with the name, flag and how many views from each county, we are shown a little overview of the world map.  With each country that reads, the map gets filled in with color.  As I watch my map come to life a little at a time it made me think, with each post, that’s exactly what is happening to me.  Little by little I am starting to feel … normal?  whole?  strong?  I’m not sure which, if any, of those is accurate.  Maybe it’s a combination.  But I am enjoying the ride, as pieces of my self are coming back to life.

Self-realization was never something I thought about or hoped to attain through this journey but somehow I am able to see that it is very much the path I am being lead down.  There are so many aspects in my life I can see changing.  Small changes…but change nonetheless.  I am very much more aware then I have ever been of my purpose and what I want for myself in this life.  Of course, I have a long way to go but in building my support system the comfort, confidence and strength is slowly seeping back into my veins.  The I think I can way of thinking over the last 25 years is almost completely out of my visual field and the I know I can has replaced it.  It’s no longer a matter of if but a definite matter of when.  I anticipate good things.  I can feel it on the horizon…

Almost as if when you were a kid…always just a little too short to see what was on the counter top but you imagined a plethora of “the good stuff”.  Finally, you grew tall enough to not only see that highly anticipated cookie jar but one day you were able to reach it, grab hold of it…and claim a cookie all your own.

I no longer view “the good stuff” as unattainable but understand that in order to get it growth must occur. Thus, self-realization.  Maybe this is all just babble.  Maybe it’s just the need to get the thoughts out of my head and onto “paper” to be able to go back and sort through all of it at a later date.  Whatever it is that is going on, the one thing I know is that it is positive.  That much I can feel.  It’s funny to me because I’m always the pessimist.  Don’t get me wrong…I am not proclaiming myself to be a born again optimist but the positivity is definitely flowing.

Eventually, I’ll be able to see over the counter and reach for that cookie but I have a feeling instead of taking just one … I’m grabbing the entire jar and keeping all that good stuff for me.  That’s just my way.  It’s called … catching up.  And I’m due.


To read from the beginning… my story starts here.

Not Just Wishful Thinking

Today I was read by a psychic medium.

It wasn’t the first time.  The first time was at least 15 years ago and that guy read pictures and told things about what was going to happen and insanely enough…he was right on about everything he said.  Even the stuff that seemed bizarre … happened.

As for today’s reading, it was a wonderful confirmation of things that I have been hoping and praying for.  Things that I am working on and prepping for and that needed validation.

First of all, it was last minute.  I had no idea I was going so there was no prep time for him to research who I was and to feed me some crap that he could find out online.  Nope.  It was nothing like that.  He started off by telling me something that happened to my stepfather last week.  Something no one knows.  Good start.

He moved on to tell me that my maternal grandmother was present and that even though I had never met her (she died 8 days before I was born), she has been with me my whole life.  And that she was very sharp tongued and blunt when she said…my husband was dead weight.  Lol…can you imagine?

He said to me, “You are working alone in that marriage.  You take care of everything.  It’s almost as if he feels he has earned or is entitled to sitting back and you taking care of it all.  You work, you make sure everything is okay with the kids and you take care of the house.  And he does nothing.”

Continuing on he said, “Even for Christmas you did everything.  And he didn’t do a single thing and didn’t worry about it because he knew you’d take care of it.”  Now let me elaborate on how true this is…I bought the (6ft. real) tree…brought it home…put it in the stand…decorated it…decorated the front window and the house…bought ALL of the gifts and wrapped everything, etc.  Luckily, the kids and I were blessed that he had to work Christmas day.  Best gift we’ve gotten in a long time!  Point being…the medium was, yet again, correct.

He continued on to tell me how everything is going to be okay…and that there is happiness in my future.  He confirmed that once my son graduates high school the opportunity will present itself and when it does, leave.  He said, “Do not worry.  You have sacrificed your happiness for the sake of your kids for all these years.  Now it is your time.”

He told me how my marriage was solely meant for my children and nothing else.  Which is something I have said before.  I have felt for a long time my kids were a part of God’s plan and that was why I ended up with my husband.  He also brought up my Ex and confirmed things about him and about us that I already knew to be true.  So that was comforting to hear.

My grandmother had a few more choice words to say about my husband.  I believe he may have picked up on the abuse but possibly didn’t want to go there being as we only had a limited amount of time.  He also hit on other areas of my life that were very accurate. One of them being, “I don’t mean to be rude but your sex life sucks”. (As discussed in Let’s Talk About Sex so we know that’s accurate!)

There was a group of people to see him and not one of us left him without tears in our eyes.  Even the men that got a reading came back crying.  The one thing that I find strange is…he asked all the others except for me and my friend who was hosting the gathering if they had any questions for him.  He didn’t ask me that.  He straight out told me…”when you need me…call me.”  That’s the only thing I find a little creepy.

Otherwise…it was great validation to know that I am on the right path to my exit from this life.  Everything I have been feeling and been aware of for all these years seems to be accurate.  I didn’t really question my own judgment in the first place but it is comforting to know that this is something the universe is confirming and that it’s…not just wishful thinking.


To read from the beginning… my story starts here.